Friday, July 21, 2006



young Israeli Jews sign gifts destined for Lebanon,
with hebrew notes like “I've been waiting for this a long time”
and “from Israel with love.”


Girls playing dancing and scribbling salutations on bombs
that will slaughter thousands.

See the adults in the back beaming proudly. Nice.

cant wait to see you spin this.

anti-semitic, right?

This should disgust anyone claiming to be human.

this is beyond hate.

this is insanity.

this is what you AICN neoconzionists advocate.
to you this is a game with scores and updates.

images you will never see on their media outlets/covers.
Not grossed out yet?

Still not convinced Israel is the modern-day Nazi Germany?

you are messed up.
in your minds. in everything.
you are lost.
your Talmudic insanity has infected your kids.

we are all running out of time.
instead of exiting the expressway and uniting against the real enemy,
you prefer to keep driving on that 8-lane highway
of state-sponsored murder they paved for us..

even if monkeyboy and blair and the networks have your back..
the pics speak volumes and proclaim for the world to see,
that you indeed are God's "chosen" people-- For shame and persecution.