Thursday, September 14, 2006

It's Acting, Right?

kelly preston: wtf is this?

travolta: it's not what it looks like.. it's acting.. from my new movie swordfish.

kelly: muthafucka stop lying.

travolta: it's a movie. we just wrapped shooting.

kelly: yeah, shooting your cock on some dude...

travolta: No, kelly, it was a dancing scene.. duh, i dance in my movies.

kelly: well now you really fucked up everything.
including your Presidential run. dude youre gay. its official now.
I'm just not hot enough, am i.. do i not wear a strap on for you?
You know what it costs to have a bomb-ass bitch like me these days?

travolta: Shyt, did i say swordfish? i meant the musical.
okay, Swordfish the Musical. yeah. Where Gabriel Shear and Mrs Garrett
from 'the facts of life' go undercover as soccer moms to infiltrate and
overthrow renegade KGB girl scouts in Minsk. but it's all set to music,
like "Cop Rock." aintitcool?

kelly: How the fuck could you do this to me? Scientology,
having Clinton over for dinner, a house people mistake for an airport,
"Hairspray", delusions of winning that RACIST REALITY SHOW on CBS,

and now this? Are you fucking Cruise too, John? so who are you, john??
Pete Townsend? Hugh Jackman? so while flying planes, you
were a stewardess serving smoked sausage? i can't do this anymore.

travolta: i havent fucked Cruise. look...
homewrecker is trying to stay relevant.. he made this up to account for
a month without updates to his rag, since the talkback wars are officially dead
and his overhyped "Doucheman Returns" has trounced GNR's
"Chinese Democracy" for Epic Lateness.. he's the culprit. not me.

homewrecker: dont even go there, bro. this is all your fault.

travolta: get off my phone, idiot

kelly: where are you right now?

travolta: in the same damn house with you-- in the closet, finding shirts...
what i cant be in the closet?

kelly: whatever john... i'm getting everything but the planes.

travolta: IT'S NOT GAY! IT'S AC-TING!! SUBWAY!!! eat fresh!!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Cease fire? yeah, to reload

WALLACE: the audience at Snakes on a Plane last night was crazy.
almost as crazy as everyone here says you are.

Crazy is Spielberg whining about French occupation of Algeria.
At least my movies dont reek of veiled dogma.
Depicting snakes as "terrorists" and then killing them. You deem these
creatures to be evil but they are God's creature acting on the law of nature
- surival of the fittest. The snake knows you are coming to kill him.
What is the normal reaction? To defend itself. But in your
world is that is called "terrorism."
This is why infidels die.
When you say 'the snake is evil', you are saying 'God is evil'
because the only deity you ever served was money.
Good and Evil don't exist in nature. they exist only in the minds of men,
who make films about snakes and world trade centers.
So what. I'm releasing "zionists on a plane" next year.
everyone on the plane is charged with DUI and antisemitism.

WALLACE: i was charged with a DUI and astigmatism this morning.
right after Osment and michael jackson. Is it sweeps month?
Surely youre not suggesting that deep within american media
rests a zionist dogma that only the trained eye can see...

AHMADINEJAD: look at "The Venture Bros." Each episode bascially
amounts to "chatty,witty but frail professor(israel) depends for dear life on
his mighty beast Brock(US) to save his ass from extinction. in the latest
one he says "if you dont come save me right now i'll fire you."
See? and dont think Sharon never told Bush something like this.
but Clerks 2 was a revelation and i want to open a Mooby's in Tehran.

WALLACE: Even as the aintitcool boards launch new threads on new
9/11 exploitation films released every week,
the talkback wars have been a ceasefire lately.
PazuzuGaiusDoctorWhoAnchoriteLostProphet's scripted puppetshow
with jayjew/brokebackcowboy is on empty, and what's left?
griping at the absence of zfisk?

AHMADINEJAD: more like fawning. typing "i miss him"? "i love you?"
"zfisky-poo?" Good God. Id rather be nuked than read that mess..
Get your repugnant ass back in the closet.

WALLACE: youre ok with a strip club as a setting for this interview.

AHMADINEJAD: what better place to address your empty culture and
where it puts women? look at them. full of drink and indecent proposals.

WALLACE: it's the free market. these girls are doing what they can to earn money to survive.

AHMADINEJAD: Oh...that's why women born into wealth are even worse,
right? look at those women leaving those men to go to the ladies room.
Here is why American women go to the bathroom together.
because theyre gay. and the american male is only a chauffeur,
paying for the drinks. this is why you want to bomb us.

we are not the cause of your moral decline. (cue brave music)

it is your own system that is failing. this
town needs an enema. gotham must be destroyed.
As president of iran at this time in world history i see my role
as helping to bring about a needed rebirth on this planet.

WALLACE: im not sure they follow you. dumb it down for the AICN readers.

AHMADINEJAD: i am a silver surfer, heralding the coming of galactus.

WALLACE: the coming of who?

AHMADINEJAD: never mind, look. in 2010 61% of world's women
will be gay.
this is because of decades of your pornoculture. it's no secret
who introduced, legitimized and marketed homosexuality to the world and
all the chaos it brings. look what it has done to the forums of aintitcool and
superman returns.

Homewrecker: okay im pulling the plug on this skit.

AHMADINEJAD: why? we didnt get to the big punchline, about the latimes
full page ad with all the stars united against terror.

WALLACE: And how theyre releasing a song called "We are the Spoiled"
to benefit victims of anti-semitism and name calling. (Cue music)

WALLACE AHMADINEJAD: "we are the spoiled....
we are the chosen,. we are the darlings and the land is ours
so lets start killin..."

homewrecker: okay halle's on the other line. see ya.(pulls plug) hello?

halle: homewrecker. dont put me on hold again. whats this im hearing
about this new feature hilarytime?

homewrecker: you know, hilary clinton is getting into viral marketing. stuff like that.

halle: you dont have that picture do you?

homewrecker: what picture...

halle: would you even have any traffic without my face up there? i know you have it, dont lie.

homewrecker: lying?! what picture?!?

halle: that picture of me with six toes on my right foot.. the pic is fake!

homewrecker: the only pic i have is the one where you get paranoid and think the midget is going to jack you on Broadway. like what's he going to do? a matrix jump and swipe your bag of esoterica? there is no picture out there circulating with you
having six toes.. now about those Monster's Ball outtakes...?

halle: (CLICK)

homewrecker: okay here's the smug guy who made the benny hill 9/11 joke that jayjewpazuzu's been hyping on aicn. he calls himself "The briantist". his name is brian and he dresses like a scientist. get it? wow thats clever. yeah id like to believe this was pazuzu and end the saga but of course it's not.. but he's defintitely a member of "the tribe" if he thinks 9/11 is a joke. jews are so funny arent they. and yes, brian, youre jewish, dont deny it. real classy. you forgot the clown wig, red nose and bozo shoes.. maybe Pazuzu, kidman and michael douglas can put out a full page ad in the latimes and start a fund..

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Things we said under the passion of beer

Rachel: okay! here i am, boys! out of daddy's limo and into your
checkbook.. Who wants to buy me drinks? I promise I wont
scam you and maybe I'll be your friend if the food is
kosher and you're nice to me and rave of my white satin
gown by Marc jacobs, my harry winston bracelet valued at.. (ahem).,
my Calvin Klein mules, my dark shiny braided locks from Rubenstein's
salon and spa..

Gibson: are you a jew?

bartender: oh here we go..

rabbi david weiss:Oy a broch, my eyes!! could you be more pale?!?
It's a ghost! A gezunta moid you aint.. bartender cancel my order
of the whitefish. i just saw one. what, no Gotkes?

halle: hit me off again, boyee!!. DAYUM, this shyt is good!!!

bartender: you've had too much to drink halle.... here drink some more.

hipster: Hey, Rachel. you squeezed thirty bucks out of me last
week on drinks, sister.

Rachel: huh? no that WAS my sister. people say we look alike.

Norm: I say buy her drinks again. If either sister won't pay the bill,
Let me move into their guest house. refill please.

Gibson: she's jewish. hide your wallets..

Rachel: hello, i've got plenty of daddy money, thank you.
why do you have to go there!?!
G-d, this is a goy bar! where are the menschs?

rabbi david weiss: theyre busy "cleansing" lebanon.

Halle: Rachelllll..Do you have to...(burp).. pretend youre not (hic!).. Jewish all the time?

hipster: how else would she hide the money?

rabbi david weiss: you never listen. i keep telling you; spend the
money on shiksas, moron. dont be a schlemiel.

Rachel: oh please halle.. youve pretended to be black your whole career. And whatever, hipster. you wont be spinning my dreidels
tonight. and my nose isn't big. Ashlee's rhinoplastic surgeon told
me the biggest jewess nose ever is Blossom's, so there.. As for
everyone defaming me, might i remind you youre supposed to be nice
to us? its the law. or i mean it will be soon.

Gibson: bartender, a kabbalah water for the horse.

ALL: MUHAHAHHHhhahhahaa!!!

Rachel: haha. very funny, anti-semite. antisemite! antisemitenaziblahbleh!!

bartender: oh here we go..

rabbi david weiss: she's frothing at the mouth! watch out!

gibson: the anti semite card..

hipster:'s everywhere you want to be.
and the only reason to watch "Blossom" was
little Jenna Van Oy's enormous ass.

Rachel: So gross...youre all drunk.. alcohol is a truth serum, and the anti
semitism here is stifling. where's my blackberry.. i'm emailing Daddy
and Abe Foxman to cite hate crimes so there. typical goyim..

hipster: abe foxman is a hypocrite. call me when he finally defends muslims from defamation by jews. bartender this glass needs refilling..

halle: woo hoo!!!hate crimes!! yeah, that's the shyt there, dog!!(burp!)oh my! excuse me!..what was i sayin'? oh yeah, hate crimes!! an' you haven' even startd drinkin' yett.... that "harm" you think youre experiencin'? its called freedom of speech, baybie..(hic!) your ass is too tight... look at my ass.(drops panties) see why its all loose like that? becuzz my contrack with lions gate films it said billy bob was gonna rip me a new one, and he shore did.,.woo hoo!! that's why i got this...(lands gleaming Oscar on counter)

rabbi david weiss:It might be that a lot of Jews simply either just flat out despise the constitution or can't comprehend it. Only these Jews would criminalize thoughts and speech because they are extremely hypersensitive children with bogeymen under their beds.
words are literally weapons to them; to any sane person it's nothing more. say 'holocaust' or "jewish' and watch them go into a seizure. or flashback. "we are permanently scarred with fear of the goyim!" so the solution is to eliminate the goyim gradually; erase their culture, erase their religion, and finally erase them with nuclear weapons, as you will see in Iran. it's pure madness i tell you, the same madness of the 1930s..and dont make me list looney examples of Talmudic laws here... true torah jews do not advocate this nonsense.

oh stop dramatizing..the constitution is flawed.
everybody on foxnews says so...there's no amendments
for prenups , it lacks Talmudic insight...
And youre wrong; Words do in fact inflict physical and bodily harm.

Norm: bartender, lemme' use your phone book.

what for..

Norm: oh nothin, just some 'bodily harm' on the little missy there...


Rachel: ah.. the passion of the beer

Gibson: your highness. at the end of the day i am a but a humble servant helping to lead this christian nation.

Uh, Let me correct you. America may be mostly a christian nation but it is "thoroughly owned" and run by mostly american and israeli jewry.

it's true.

soon the world will mirror this too, even if we are so few in number.. and if you behave in accordance with the coming new laws, you and your kind will be spared in order to continue serving us.

rabbi david weiss: do you kiss your mother with that mouth..

hipster: its payback for those movies you made, mel..but this time today's chosen people will make the 30's nazis look like cub scouts. putting gibson out of business is just for sheer entertainment..after the straussians vaporize iran, and eradicate all religions but theirs, there will be a last ditch effort by humanity to stop this machine. where when and whom is anyone's guess. another mojito please.

halle: i'm so over mojitos.. (falls over.. THUD!!)

okay she's on the floor, i think that's enough.

you know its funny. i was arrested for a DUI. that should be the story. in the old america thats where the story would have ended. but me saying things while drunk--things that you and TMZ and Harvey Levin and Abe Foxman and the angry conglomerates of press which you folks own and print nearly most of, have decided this should enrage and mobilize your folks to ostracize me despite my track record. things i am being forced to regret saying, things for which i even issued a sincere apology... this--the mere voicing of my personal beliefs-- that's it--which our constitution guarantees, until you revise it-- simply speaking what i believe, no matter how incorrect.. to you people,that is a greater crime than the act of drunk driving, where i could have killed someone?!?!"anti semetic" things i said about jews which took what, 5 seconds? so by that logic, i should get back to back life sentences for making a film that blames jews for 2 hours and twenty minutes.

Rachel: Wowie Zowie! youre good! you almost had me there!
i almost had a moment of clarity and nearly changed my worldview--

but daddy wouldnt like it and the gravy train would stop..

so youre still an anti semite drunk though. buy me a drink.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Why Pazuzu is getting Owned

"Hey, DocPazuzu..I am curious; if you actually DID make yourself a TB alter-ego which you then used to insult and argue with yourself, thus causing homewrecker to identify it as one of the 'few real' TBers, if you then revealed it WAS you; would that cause some sort of temporal loop in homewrecker's brain as he realised he was finally right about something, but wrong at the same time? It's a nice thought..." ---Pawprint,

yet another one of DocPazuzu's usernames

you see that, folks? read that again.

this is confirmation. I am telling you i am right.

And clearly "Pawprint" is speaking of
Jayjew and /or brokebackcowboy,
two key characters who have emerged
lately in the TB WARS. heres why;

jayjew drops in an out with racism on blacks and "lebos";

When Pazuzu is slammed for letting jayjew's trash slide,
all of a sudden jayjew's role changes overnight--
to DocPazuzu's new setup-whipping boy.

now pazuzu and jayjew are seen 'bickering' all the time.

this is not by coincidence.

but Pazuzu doesnt have just one setup-whipping dummy
to make him look like the superior, machiavellian
"Lord of the talkbacks" he wants you to see.

he has an armada of usernames to use anytime,
from 'chickychow' to 'Tom Bodet' to "The Dum Guy".
even the new "alex jones' name is questionable. watch out.

docpazuzu, anchorite, Mr.Nice Gaius,Yackbacker,
Blood Simple, chide roland, Cotton McKnight, zauriel, whatyoufear, darthhater, monkeybrow, MrBoinfoint, Jar Jar 4 Prez, calami-shami, TELF, moondoggy2u, crazyeyezkillah,lycanthrope, birdy birdman, smackfu, Bagtatta, Datascream, Big Bad Clone, Der-Rabe, performingmonkey, Ribbons, viranth, mr.brownstone, quantize, jedimast3r, teufelhunden,shalashaska, Regicidal_Maniac, El scorcho, mocky_puppet, TomBodet, Kentucky Colonel,Sir Loin, topaz4206, eclipsedman, Obscureference, thebearovingian, Chest_Rockell, machashiva, anchorite, HypeEndsHere, LeckoManiac, igotbigballs, Logo Lou, Oozer3993, Tacodave, DOGSOUP, Sod Off Baldric, The Founder, the iron sheik, BannedOnTheRun, 2, misnomer, Snooze-Master, CatVutt, Ebullient, The True Priapic, Teamwak, dr.bulber, Spaldingreese, kwisatzhaderach, Moozay?, IAmLegolas, Chilli815, invalid entry, RantBreath, Playhouse, dstrbo1, blackwood, Khan89, Amadeus Zero, jinryu7, Rcamacho2278, Aust1n, drturing, lead_sharp, TheMovieLover, Magunga, Colonel_Blimp, ckane123, IamNumber1, Grando, tango fett, oisin5199, Saluki, monkey tamer, George Newman, future help, glodene, ectocriminal, We, amievil, v1cious, chickychow, Thunderballs,HEROES FOR SALE, Obscura, meta4, seppukudkurosawa, Bamf!!, warrior-poet2, ZO, lofe101, Experiment 626, NightArrows, IAmJack'sUserID, Big Dick McGhee, pockybot, apophenia, fortunesfool, kintar0, Spacesheik, BendersShinyAss, theoneofblood, Dude_gimme_tabs, DarthHomercles, CuervoJones, Panterarocks, darthspielberg... just some of the names.


It's true. notice these names have never been banned, too.

and now out of nowhere 'brokebackcowboy' puts on a bravura performance essentially owning Pazuzu, wowing everyone last night in the WTC thread.

Something' s not right.

And now today the glaringly obvious tipoff post by Pawprint(see above)
hinting that a TBer that I deemed as "real" might be in fact
the latest incarnation of DocPazuzu.

this is how fucking malevolent he is.
he morphs into any side of an argument,
like Hans Gruber 's "bill clay" ..

and this is why I, homewrecker, to this day,
is his most despised archnemesis and enemy.

this is why he has to DISCREDIT me ad nauseum forever,
with baseless charges of antisemitism, nazism, homophobia;

Smearing his foes with almighty medical/clinical terms (hes a doctor, right?) of "ICA" instant character assaination:/ insanity/PARANOID/CRAZY/loony/wacky/demented thorazine/crack/drugs/temporal loop/brain aneurism/nutballs/wackjobs/fruitcakes/fucktards.

in the true 'lawyer' tradition, credibility, sanity, logic, and 'credible sources' (i.e. jewish sources)
are everything to DocPazuzu, though he's devoid of it.

this is why every debate must end with him saying
"i thoroughly owned you"
even though recently he is the one being owned,
then the next day he will lament his wounds and
dismiss his getting owned with his fake crew as
'nonsense' or attacks from the crazies.


this is why he constantlly challenges me to this day,
long after ive been banned, to PROVE my multiple username 'theory';

get this;


how the hell would he know this?!?!




DOCPAZUZU (and his long list of names)







because i know what's going on.

and because i want YOU to know what's going on.

i know what im talking about. i know pazuzu when i read it.


I know.

make no mistake; brokebackcowboy is one of them.

do not be fooled.

Friday, July 21, 2006



young Israeli Jews sign gifts destined for Lebanon,
with hebrew notes like “I've been waiting for this a long time”
and “from Israel with love.”


Girls playing dancing and scribbling salutations on bombs
that will slaughter thousands.

See the adults in the back beaming proudly. Nice.

cant wait to see you spin this.

anti-semitic, right?

This should disgust anyone claiming to be human.

this is beyond hate.

this is insanity.

this is what you AICN neoconzionists advocate.
to you this is a game with scores and updates.

images you will never see on their media outlets/covers.
Not grossed out yet?

Still not convinced Israel is the modern-day Nazi Germany?

you are messed up.
in your minds. in everything.
you are lost.
your Talmudic insanity has infected your kids.

we are all running out of time.
instead of exiting the expressway and uniting against the real enemy,
you prefer to keep driving on that 8-lane highway
of state-sponsored murder they paved for us..

even if monkeyboy and blair and the networks have your back..
the pics speak volumes and proclaim for the world to see,
that you indeed are God's "chosen" people-- For shame and persecution.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

'Doucheman' preview

i only caught the end of it.. maybe somebody put it on youtube..
the early buzz looks promising and a review from england is coming.

The man of squeal is a soccer mom..

Like i need more evidence.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Dead Man's Jest

"youre jack sparrow.. you have a debt to pay.. that was the agreement."

"Ladies and gents, this is a time of chaos, anarchy, debauchery and rebellion. Jack Sparrow is the poster-child of this generation."--utz_world

Yarr! Fast Edwardians, raiders, thieves, liquidators, liars, hackers and bootleggers be dammed!
even those of you who use death itself to escape justice. We know youre still alive Kenny. enjoy your newfound afterlife at Area 51 or wherever.. hope you got a nice deal with free cable, room service and hookers on call 24/7..

Main Entry: pi·ra·cy As in Corporate Piracy

1 : "an act of robbery esp. on the high seas; specifically : an illegal act of violence, detention, or plunder committed for private ends by crew or passengers of a private ship or aircraft against another ship or aircraft on the high seas or in a place outside the jurisdiction of any state.."

Translation..We can do it to you.. but you can't do it to us.

Homewrecker is located


anchorite: Mr. Nice Gaius, we have combed the farthest reaches of cyberspace and still no source for that article. but there is good news. im switching to Geico. and we found homewrecker's website.

Mr. Nice Gaius: Great... did you find Big Bird's MySpace page too? so it doesnt affect you in the least that our secret is going to be exposed. Very well then.. (hits anchorite with rolled newspaper)You douche! fuck homewrecker's site! Find and destroy that article before our readers and the press see it! idiot!

Yackbacker: Lord Hater. Comscan has detected the whereabouts of Homewrecker. we will soon arrive in his sector of the galaxy. aint it cool?

Darth Hater: But you dont have the article, that's not cool. what am i supposed to tell DocPazuzu? he has to issue a statement. Youre using up my minutes.

Yackbacker: Just have him say what we always do. Make up charges of anti-semitism and homophobia. Even if we can't prove it. Stain his credibility. All the cool kids are doing it.

DarthHater: yeah whatever, yo. im going to Fatburger for a double. You want one? What about Gaius, put him on too? Kewl. oh and i got the vegetable oil and Bryan's cut of superdoucheman returns with the musical numbers.. this will be a day long remembered, It has seen the end of homewrecker and the rebellion. MUHHAHAAHAHA. Begin landing your troops..

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The mocktrailers

SUPERMAN 1938-2006.
Mourn the demise of our once great hero with these unforgiving spoofs.
Collect them all. the first three are quicktime.

last time folks.

whatever your faith is.. any piece of entertainment that deliberately maligns, defames and insults a religion and its adherants is defamatory. The fact that some people praise this, pay for it and/or spread it doesn't make it right. it's offensive. Some people will protest; some wont, preferring to counter the intolerance with education.

Either way hollyweird's endless attempts to create an agnostic/kaballah/pagan/cult/athiest society, in which christianity and islam will be exctinct, will fail because the novels/movies/concerts used in this scheme just aren't as sound as the people theyre trying to subdue... sigh... next..