Thursday, May 10, 2007

BEG HARD 4 $$$

Walter B: Yo. it's me. put yer mom on ichat so i can get her permission to take you to 'die hard 4 kidz' on june 35th.

aicn40ydloser: wow. is this real? no way. is this really the pinnacle of my sad aintitcool life?

Walter B: Is water wet? do bees buzz? it's the cat in the hat, babe... da genuine article.
crashin' the joint, hope ya don't mind.. yo, lemme spit game to your moms before
i hit you off wit the 411 on dh4. c'mon junior time is money.

aicn40ydloser: OMFG !!!!!! yippie! bruce is my brother! and thanks bruce, for introducing my uneducated lardass to motown music, which i never knew existed until you sang it.

milf: hello, yes this is junior's hot mom, who is this...

Walter B: it's me, walter. would ya like to swing on a star? Got plenty of Seagrams in the vault.. still untouched from 85'... your chance to prance... have you seen junior's grades?

milf: um sir, ..this isnt bruce willis. this is a PR stunt to secure a record opening for another neutered PG-13 flick. Sorry. i'm not taking 40 yr old junior to a mcclane movie where mcclane can't say motherfucker. its silly. spiderman silly, as the flanneled one would say.

aicn40ydloser: waaaahhh!!!.

michael bay: um, that's not bruce willis. See Transgenders. july 35th.

Walter B: oh shyt, a starwars mom? yer shittin me, right? didn't pg-13 made lucas a mint? c'mon! Pg-13 is good! gooder than oatmeal and wilford brimley. and pg-13 ain't silly. Not even 'spiderman silly'. and lucas aint never crapped out anything original. Where'd you think he got the idea for Indy?
c'maaaan...don't make be beg, morticia. the movie is good. it will not suck. you have my "official Walter B. seal of whatever." i am asking you, okay, begging you, to please take your monkey addams family to see 'diehard for noobs' on june 35th.. you absolutely must do this, for if junior misses the opening he will be the uncoolest of the uncool. persona non grata of geekdom.. he'll fall into an emotional abyss, a life of crime.. who knows where his spoiled suburban white ass will end up?

Evil Hobbit:
i love AICN! I got to post "i hate n_ _ _ _ _ _", in the thread! TWICE!!
and i'm still not banned yet!!!! long live AICN hatespeech!!

milf: interrupted my favorite episode of Charmed, and my loser son's daily activity of brett ratner/michael bay hating for this? Please. junior and the other countless fake ass latecomers who signed new aicn accounts this week just to be in this staged talkback can see thru the BS.. Pg-13 is the new scheme to solidify triple dipping. a pg13 theatrical release means record openings and huge sales for R/unrated version DVDs .

Walter B: yeah. aintitcool?

milf: yeah. wow.. so fuck authenticity. it's all just profit points..

Walter B: no shit, lady do i sound like i'm orderin' a pizza?


Anonymous said...

Wow, hahahaha, you announce your big return after the Superbowl and this is all you've got? Nice to see you've been totally tamed by the repeated assraping you received from all and sundry on AICN, fisky-poo. What a little bitch.


Anonymous said...

We take strong offense to your portrayal of the AICN Talkback Community. It's now clear to us that you no longer post there because you are a pussy.

Anonymous said...

That's all you had to bring to 2007? What. a. bitch.



Anonymous said...

i thought the movie was all right. want perfect though